PhD Scholar Registration
Your PhD Registration will be confirmed by GTU-PhD section after successful completion of course work.
  Application No (Samarth ID) :
* Enrollment No :
* Name :
* ABC ID :
* Adhaar Card No :
* Gender :
* Email ID : (Email will be sent on this Email Address)
* Confirm Email ID :
* Mobile No :
* Category :
* Category of Registration :
* Name of Fellowship :
* Semester :
* Date of Enrollment :
* Registration valid till :
* University :
* Title of PhD Topic : (As per the submitted pre-registration form.)
* Supervisor Name :
* Supervisor institute/Research center :
* Discipline/Branch :
*Theme area/Specialization :

* Work Place of PhD Scholar :
* Permanent Address :
* Address for Correspondence :
Student Registration
Name :- -
Enrollment No :- -
Category of Registration :- -
ABC ID :- -
Samarth ID :- -
Aadhar NO :- -
Name of Fellowship :- -
Gendar :- -
Category :- -
Semester :- -
Email ID :- -
Mobile NO :- -
University :- -
Title of PhD Topic :- -
Supervisor Name :- -
Supervisor institute/Research center :- -
Discipline/Branch :- -
Theme Area/Specilization :- -
Work Place :- -
Permanent Address :- -
Address for Correspondence :- -